Sunday, January 29, 2012


I am bored. Not like the 'Wah wah wah no one invited me anywhere' bored; I am bored to the core. My life has become boring. I am used to working, and going to school, and kids. I agree that mix all the time is probably not healthy. But this other extreme that I pleasurably get to live seems worse. I have time to think. I CAN'T sleep. When you fill your day with art projects, lunch, cadavers, patients, do this do that, go home and SLEEP. You sleep, your worn and you can't think you sleep. Now I "wake" up too early, I have to find coffee to wake up for real. Do some human actions for about 12hours put the kids to bed and the quite begins. Too much caffeine, too quite, too many thoughts. Now I can't sleep, again. Take a little white pill (don't get any ideas it was bought at wal-greens) then I sleep.

Time to do it again.

Guess what I am doing right now!?! Not sleeping!!! What the fuck huh?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Introducing Lincoln!

Here is my super duper manic post!! Whoooo!

We have officially had Lincoln, formally known as Hagrid, for 1 week and 4 days. It seems like he is doing good he totally attacks his veggies and loves his crickets. He still has stress marks on his belly but that could have to do with his home being too small.

The people we got Lincoln from seemed to care about their pets but they fell short of good information. If you look at a previous post his tank had crushed walnut shells (big no no), his substrate was dirty, he is in a tank too small. We are trying to spoil him, or at least I am. He is still in the smaller tank but Nathaniel cut slate tile and we made a small dig area with safer substrate, his tank is cleaned daily. Fresh veggies everyday and all the crickets he can eat. There are some other worms I want to buy him and after we move I am thinking about starting a dubia roach colony. They are supposed to be awesome food for beardies and they breed easily. I am still freaked out by bugs but apparently they don't jump they can't climb and don't stink like crickets. Sounds good too me. Nathaniel is talking about building him a custom vivarium after we move. I am excited about that project. Lincoln = Spoiled rotten.

I have a tip: Don't look on craig's list at the animals people are trying to trade, sell, or give away. It is sad story. The poor animals (bearded dragons in my case) look so sad. In dirty conditions not the right tempatures/UVB lighting. It's the pet stores fault. They tell people they are soooo easy to take care of they don't need to eat all that much ect. and people believe them without doing their own research. Do your research people!!!!

It is going to be crazy traveling across the country with our cat Franken, beardie Lincoln, 2 kids, 2 cars, a ton of stuff. I think we are going to need some sort of luck on this adventure.

Ps sorry if the pictures I posted are wonky in any way I am posting from my phone. My computer has "one of the worse virus'" and is "a pain in the ass to fix" I don't know how to fix the size and placement of the pictures from my phone so you get what you get :-P


Time To Go Fishing

I think my computer has a virus. I am worried it will not be finished before school starts. Oh life.

I have decided that I am not letting people walk on me anymore. I have given too many chances and I am the one getting hurt, over and over again. I don't have many chances left in me; I need to save what I have for something REALLY good.
I was asked to print something for my sister in law. Fine easy enough task except for the fact that I don't have a printer, a pretty valuable piece of equipment when you need to print something. I was supposed to go to the library to print stuff for school so my plan was to do everything in one swoop. Well the library was closed. Ummm my fault, no. My wallet ended up getting raped at FedEx; $18 to use the Internet in super speed and print and fax what I needed. So a bunch of boring stuff happened...... I thought why am I going to run around the world to figure something out for someone who is perfectly capable of doing it themselves? I told this lovely person and her mom that I would show her how to make an email and how to print stuff, we will figure it out together. Reasonable people would have been okay with this; you would have thought I killed a kitten in front of them. I am doing more work and being a damn friend by wanting to take the time to show you how to do it, they can't see it that way. Here's there way: I said I was going to do it FOR her and now I am not, I am the problem not them. You know the saying teach a man to fish? Well these people are starving.
I am done. I know they are supposed to be family but it hard to care when my husband doesn't even care. His mom has talked down to me, hit my kids, disrespected me; why am I making an effort? I will say it again I am done.

Wow I am due to write something really upbeat and awesome now. I can't believe I haven't talked about Lincoln, he deserve his own post. I will work on that. Maybe the ambitious person in me will find her way out and write that post today.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Bundle of Joy

2 posts in one day?! Really it couldn't be! Well this is important and I feel like writing, so here. This lovely, cold and boring morning, I was feeling pretty crappy. Mix of no caffeine, not enough sleep and crab-ass-ness about not leaving for California. Then I got a call from my friend Tricia. She called me at a weird time, 1239 (keeping the facts straight) this is only weird because I knew she was working and if she is working she always calls me around 1940ish to tell me about her fantastic or suck ass day. She had news that was such a wonderful surprise. Her friend at work just had a baby (also has a 4year-old), owned 2 bearded dragons, a snake, a fish tank, a dog and a cat. Some would call this a zoo. Guess what?! Are you on the edge of your seat yet? She wanted to find a new home for her Bearded Dragon, named Hagrid. Tricia thought of me, and called as soon as she could!!! I said yes, then I asked Nathaniel what he thought, hehe. I always wanted a bearded dragon. I have done way too much research on them. I wanted to make sure it would be a pet I would want to care for (they are); but I really wanted to adopt one. How could I resist adopting Beardie named HAGRID!!! Its a match made in heaven!  Friday we are going to pick him up, I couldn't be happier. I feel like our bad luck is running a little thin right now, something good is making it way through. The 57' that I keep bitching about really was a great deal and is going to be an awesome car for our family, and now Hagrid. They both came at the wrong time; but that's life, well our life. You know what? I wouldn't change a thing.   


Bring it 2012!

Weather you like it or not it's 2012. When the new year pops up it always reminds me that life moves too fast; and it take a lot more time to do stuff than you think it will. By now I thought I would be at least in Nursing School, that eats at me a lot. a part of it is my fault, wanting to go for my BSN first thing. But taking 1 class at a time is getting annoying. after our move, I AM going to at the very least take 2 class starting summer semester. I am almost done; an elective or 2 and some math and Nursing School here I come.

I have great plans for next year! Here's my growing list of stuff to do in 2012:

Buy extra food every time we shop and take it to the food pantry 

I made scarves this year and even though we are going to be in CA I don't want to forget about the people freezing in my home state. I really want to send scarves in the mail to somewhere. If I work all year at it I will have more than the 7 I finished this year, and I bet some will be really cool. I should try and make a hat that would be cool to have in the collection of warm stuff sent to the popsicle we call Illinois.

Volunteer for  the American Red Cross I really want to be on the Disaster Health Services/Disaster Action T team. 

Walk in the Susan G. Koman 3-day walk in San Diego. I am so excited about this. I am going to sign up before my birthday (Jan 7th) and then start fundraising. Nathaniel wants to do it with me so we have to raise double. Yicks! Not sure how we are going to do this, but I know we will figure it out.

Keep homeschooling Ellis sign him up for extra curricular activities like hockey and boy scouts.

More thrift store shopping. I am so sick of waste. If I can find a nice pair of Gap jeans or whatever at the Goodwill why is the hell would I go to Gap and waste 65 or more dollars on pants? And kids clothes? They are a joke it is the same price for way less fabric and then they wear it 1 time and spill spaghetti and chocolate almond milk down the front. If we need a new anything I am checking there first.  

Run more!!! I really want to run a 1/2 marathon; but running more than I ran last year would make me happy.

Buy a worm composter box. seriously check this out lots of information:  Uncle Jim's Worm Farm  I like these from an Etsy shop called Sacred Resource.

I don't think this list is too bad.  I also should put in that I am going to try to be a more optimistic, being a pessimist doesn't really help the cause of having a happy life. I have to thank mother nature for her Hypericum Perforatum other wise known as St. John's Wort. Thanks nature I needed the kick start.

I am ready to begin the new year! Good thing because it has begun and there is no stopping.